Friday, September 10, 2010

busy at school and other stuff....

im soooo sorry i havent been writing over these past months i was busy getting ready for school and i forgot i had a blogger account x,x.....This is my secound year in denison :D im happy to be in my grade but i HATE everyone there(except mrs.lewis cus she nice :3)Today sept 9th i was on my way to the bus stop so my friend went ahead of me and i was walking in front of these black girls i was over hearing there conversation when the skinny one said "some boy came up to me and hit me in the head" then the fat one said "like this"and she took the end of her wrist and snuffed(hit me)me in the back of the head.all i did was look at her and rub my head and walked faster.I WAS SOOOO MAD!when i got home i cryed to my parents and my mom called the school and asked for them to confront the girls but they couldnt do anything cus i didnt know there names(which i didnt even know them jus some random ppl that hit me)Then i was trying to ask my mom if i could be homeschooled(i have a hard time paying attention in class & i have bad connection when it comes to being around ppl ive been bullyed since the 1st grade and let me tell ya it isent fun when ur smaller then they are.alot of people say to stand up for your self well that what starts the fights start in the first place! its like a huge bully standing over you and ur being bullyed what dont u say to start a fight
A)hey why did u do that for???
B)leave me alone or ill get the principal
c)ur mom smells like skunk!
i hate it when ppl say "well u need to stand up for yourself" standing up for yourself doesent always work.What im trying to say is sometmes you have to just ignore and walk away and remember walk with ur shoulders high and look up the bullys will leave u alone eventually


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