Saturday, September 11, 2010

A third Montauk Monster Has Been Found!

alot of people been talking about this creature.nobody knows exactly what it i saw this video on the montauk monster and did a little research.As i was looking at the head(skull)i found out that this creature had cow teeth so that must of been a vegitarian.what i was astonished was that the head was the only decayed part on the body so that kinda helped.i went to google image and looked up skulls of animals that it look kinda like.First i looked up a dog skull.As i was loking at a dog skull it had the shaoe of the head but the teeth where i looked up cow skulls but the head was to long.and so dought it wasent a animal they teach u on animal be honest i dont even know what it is.If you see like a weird creature study it and try to find out what it is.Also if you have any photos of other creature you'd like me to research id be happy to
picture of the unknown creature

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