Saturday, September 11, 2010

A third Montauk Monster Has Been Found!

alot of people been talking about this creature.nobody knows exactly what it i saw this video on the montauk monster and did a little research.As i was looking at the head(skull)i found out that this creature had cow teeth so that must of been a vegitarian.what i was astonished was that the head was the only decayed part on the body so that kinda helped.i went to google image and looked up skulls of animals that it look kinda like.First i looked up a dog skull.As i was loking at a dog skull it had the shaoe of the head but the teeth where i looked up cow skulls but the head was to long.and so dought it wasent a animal they teach u on animal be honest i dont even know what it is.If you see like a weird creature study it and try to find out what it is.Also if you have any photos of other creature you'd like me to research id be happy to
picture of the unknown creature

Friday, September 10, 2010

busy at school and other stuff....

im soooo sorry i havent been writing over these past months i was busy getting ready for school and i forgot i had a blogger account x,x.....This is my secound year in denison :D im happy to be in my grade but i HATE everyone there(except mrs.lewis cus she nice :3)Today sept 9th i was on my way to the bus stop so my friend went ahead of me and i was walking in front of these black girls i was over hearing there conversation when the skinny one said "some boy came up to me and hit me in the head" then the fat one said "like this"and she took the end of her wrist and snuffed(hit me)me in the back of the head.all i did was look at her and rub my head and walked faster.I WAS SOOOO MAD!when i got home i cryed to my parents and my mom called the school and asked for them to confront the girls but they couldnt do anything cus i didnt know there names(which i didnt even know them jus some random ppl that hit me)Then i was trying to ask my mom if i could be homeschooled(i have a hard time paying attention in class & i have bad connection when it comes to being around ppl ive been bullyed since the 1st grade and let me tell ya it isent fun when ur smaller then they are.alot of people say to stand up for your self well that what starts the fights start in the first place! its like a huge bully standing over you and ur being bullyed what dont u say to start a fight
A)hey why did u do that for???
B)leave me alone or ill get the principal
c)ur mom smells like skunk!
i hate it when ppl say "well u need to stand up for yourself" standing up for yourself doesent always work.What im trying to say is sometmes you have to just ignore and walk away and remember walk with ur shoulders high and look up the bullys will leave u alone eventually

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

wolfhome art and colorng


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Saturday, June 5, 2010


everyone has an idea of what they want or need.Like a new

Sunday, May 23, 2010


hii! Salty here and i wanted to talk about...wolfhome.Wolfhome is....a fun site for anyone (at all ages) to get together and just chat plus you can play as a wolf!Plus if you pay debit or paypal You will get deltas something you would want To have someone or yourself color your own pose and play as the wolf.It's real simple.Remember my first time on wolfhome it was about 1 or 2 years ago. i was a noob back then but i gots deltas:B bad news is i wasted out of mine oh and everyday they take little by little deltas you have when they run out you have to pay more or just go on with a classic or jackle set.The deltas have the husky set, coyote set, feenec set,And the wolf pup set. It's a really cool site and if you sign up to join that would do a BIG favor and if anyone asks how you found out about this site give credit pls that'll do me a Really big favor thankyou oh and my username is salty so catch me on wolfhome if you get the chance thanku!

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wolf Home Wolves

Wolves I color for

Salty Sleeping (TM)

Music Playlist at

school,school,and yes...more school -.-

Don't u ever get tired of homework,school work and just plain rude kids???I have and so has my cousin(she has every period together 0.0 weird right?? seems likes shes stalking me D:) school work is the hard.half the stuff you learn u don't need!Well teachers seem to think we need it just in case XD. uh NEWS FLASH try doing decimals or the square root of pi. I mean come on!so if a guy walked up to a coffee shop hes gonna take out a piece of paper and and pencil and divide the money he has to the cost of the coffee and dozen donuts -.- .

homework gets harder! havent you ever sat there...and sat...and sat....stressed with your homework?? *raises hands* i do!

teachers aren't gonna be there by your side all the time i know that.They cant just walk into your home uninvited and say "I'm here to help you on your homework".I know the first look on your parents face(what the heck is he/she doing here??).but teachers are your your best priority.There there when u most need them.But you cant just depend on one person.Teachers know more than children not because there adults because they love,support,and be there when you most need them.And if your a teacher reading this thank you for supporting us kids and teens with your knowledge and support we appreciate it!*thumbs up for the teachers*.

Then...there's those rude kids from school.there the hardest to come by.When i walk in the hall way i can hear girls or guys or both talking about another kid.It doesn't seem right!I mean if they dont want to be talked about why should you talk about them??"that boy over there is ugly he look like he grew up in the trashcan" kids can talk about one another that boy could grow up rich and handsome and the girl that insulted him will live in a trash mine.That'll give her time to think about insulting others.I admit it!I do the same but sooner or later i feel bad and apologize because that person could hold a grudge over me for years.And grudges aren't good i can tell you that.Plus i am a victim of harsh kids.commenting on my hair,clothes,and my look.I can make a quick comeback.But....i don't yell at black people.Why? because I'm not racist and i grew up with a black father.I think everyone's equal no matter what you look like. I have black friends,there awesome!Ive never been racist in my life!Ever!I never say the "n" word either.Its just wrong.My cousins father and her uncle said the "n" word.I just looked at her surprised she would look at me with round eyes and the tell her dad i had a black father.They would apologize and yadda yadda yadda.

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