Thursday, May 20, 2010

school,school,and yes...more school -.-

Don't u ever get tired of homework,school work and just plain rude kids???I have and so has my cousin(she has every period together 0.0 weird right?? seems likes shes stalking me D:) school work is the hard.half the stuff you learn u don't need!Well teachers seem to think we need it just in case XD. uh NEWS FLASH try doing decimals or the square root of pi. I mean come on!so if a guy walked up to a coffee shop hes gonna take out a piece of paper and and pencil and divide the money he has to the cost of the coffee and dozen donuts -.- .

homework gets harder! havent you ever sat there...and sat...and sat....stressed with your homework?? *raises hands* i do!

teachers aren't gonna be there by your side all the time i know that.They cant just walk into your home uninvited and say "I'm here to help you on your homework".I know the first look on your parents face(what the heck is he/she doing here??).but teachers are your your best priority.There there when u most need them.But you cant just depend on one person.Teachers know more than children not because there adults because they love,support,and be there when you most need them.And if your a teacher reading this thank you for supporting us kids and teens with your knowledge and support we appreciate it!*thumbs up for the teachers*.

Then...there's those rude kids from school.there the hardest to come by.When i walk in the hall way i can hear girls or guys or both talking about another kid.It doesn't seem right!I mean if they dont want to be talked about why should you talk about them??"that boy over there is ugly he look like he grew up in the trashcan" kids can talk about one another that boy could grow up rich and handsome and the girl that insulted him will live in a trash mine.That'll give her time to think about insulting others.I admit it!I do the same but sooner or later i feel bad and apologize because that person could hold a grudge over me for years.And grudges aren't good i can tell you that.Plus i am a victim of harsh kids.commenting on my hair,clothes,and my look.I can make a quick comeback.But....i don't yell at black people.Why? because I'm not racist and i grew up with a black father.I think everyone's equal no matter what you look like. I have black friends,there awesome!Ive never been racist in my life!Ever!I never say the "n" word either.Its just wrong.My cousins father and her uncle said the "n" word.I just looked at her surprised she would look at me with round eyes and the tell her dad i had a black father.They would apologize and yadda yadda yadda.

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